10-11-2022| 8:30-12:30, World Maritime University-Fiskehamnsgaten 1, Malmö-Sweden
ENGIMMONIA and SEANERGY projects are glad to share the launching of a webinar entitled “Are EU ports ready for alternative fuels?”. The event will be held in hybrid mode next 10th November 2022 from 8.30 to 12.30 in Malmö, at the World Maritime University.
The ENGIMMONIA and SEANERGY projects, both co-funded by EU, are joining forces for an exclusive event to present different relevant decarbonization experiences from EU ports. There will be the chance to interact, in dedicated interactive sessions, with other ports and maritime stakeholders too, for the identification of opportunities and barriers towards the promotion of alternative fuels in EU Ports.
Are you curious to hear about the European Commission’s programmes in place to accelerate the energy transition of sea transport and ports? Would you like to see different experiences about EU ports who are already lighthouse in EU ports decarbonization? If yes, register now!
Here is the link to the official registration page: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/4058849799634159119?source=Web+page
Please register at this link both if you are attending in person or remotely.
EU and IMO are strongly pushing the decarbonization of maritime sectors, setting ambitious emissions reduction targets and promoting technological R&D (also via several EU funded projects) to enable EU vessels to be soon fuelled by alternative fuels such as hydrogen, ammonia, methanol etc. Nevertheless, to make EU vessels ready for alternative fuels, it is important to make EU ports ready as well from an infrastructure and regulatory points of view.
As ports are ecosystem involving not only vessels and maritime operators, boosting decarbonization of EU ports via a proper “green fuel infrastructure” can be the entry point to facilitate EU port cities energy transition. Starting from ENGIMMONIA and SEANERGY EU funded project experiences and presenting some EU lighthouse ports horizons, this workshop aims to collect feedback from relevant stakeholders in order to guide next steps of EU R&D and policy making.
Here the official agenda: